10 Unique Examples of SMART Goals for Ecommerce

As an ecommerce business owner or marketer, setting goals should be a crucial part of your overall strategy. But not all goals are created equal. That's where SMART goals come in.

What are SMART goals?

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. By following these criteria, SMART goals offer a clear and concrete way to set and achieve your business objectives.

Why are SMART goals important?

SMART goals are important because they provide real metrics for measuring progress, help break down long-term goals into shorter actionable steps, and motivate teams to stay focused and accountable.

Do SMART goals actually work?

Research shows that setting SMART goals can improve performance by up to 25%. By following the SMART formula, businesses can create clear and achievable performance metrics that drive results.

1. Blog Traffic Goal

By adding 10 new blog articles per month, we aim to increase website traffic by 20%.

2. Facebook Video Views Goal

By posting three videos per week and promoting them to our target audience, we aim to reach 5,000 video views per month.

3. Email Subscription Goal

By implementing an email pop-up form and offering a 10% discount to new subscribers, we aim to reach 1,000 subscribers within 3 months.

4. Webinar Sign-Up Goal

By promoting our upcoming webinars on social media and email campaigns, we aim to reach 500 sign-ups within 2 weeks.

5. Landing Page Performance Goal

By optimizing our landing pages for mobile users and A/B testing headlines and images, we aim to increase conversion rates by 25% within a month.

6. Link-Building Strategy Goal

By researching our competitor's backlinks and creating a systematic outreach campaign, we aim to gain 500 new high-quality backlinks within 6 months.

7. Reducing Churn Rate Goal

By implementing a customer satisfaction survey and identifying pain points, we aim to reduce churn rate by 10% within 3 months.

8. Brand Affinity Goal

By engaging with customers on social media and creating a loyalty program, we aim to increase brand affinity by 15% within 6 months.

9. Podcast Listener Count Goal

By inviting guest speakers and promoting our podcast on social media and email newsletters, we aim to reach 2,000 listener counts within 3 months

10. In-Person Event Attendee Goal

By partnering with local business organizations and running Facebook ads, we aim to reach 300 attendees for our in-person event within 2 months.

How To Make a SMART Goal

Making SMART goals is relatively easy when you follow these criteria:

1. Use specific wording.

Specify exactly what the goal is – avoid generalizations.

2. Include measurable goals.

Use concrete units of measurement (e.g., dollars, percentages, visits).

3. Aim for realistically attainable goals.

Your goal should be challenging but achievable within the set timeframe.

4. Pick relevant goals that relate to your business.

Choose goals that will help move your business forward.

5. Make goals time-bound by including a timeframe and deadline information.

Set a deadline date for the goal to create a sense of urgency and accountability.

Make Your SMART Goals SMART-er

SMART goals can still be improved! To take your goals to the next level, consider:

  • Breaking your long-term goals into shorter weekly or monthly targets.
  • Celebrating small wins and sharing progress updates with your team.
  • Revisiting your goals periodically to make sure they're still on track and relevant.
  • Continuing to challenge yourself with new goals as you progress.