18 Email Newsletter Examples We Love Getting in Our Inboxes

Email newsletters are an effective way to keep your audience engaged and informed about your brand. According to HubSpot, email marketing has an ROI of 4400%, making it the most cost-effective digital marketing channel.

Email Newsletter Ideas

Before creating your newsletter, it's important to brainstorm ideas for content that will resonate with your subscribers. Some popular ideas include:

  • Product announcements and updates
  • Industry news and trends
  • How-to guides and educational content
  • Exclusive promotions and discounts
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business

When planning your newsletter, be sure to consider your audience's interests and needs, and tailor your content accordingly.

Email Newsletter Design

The design of your newsletter is just as important as the content. A well-designed newsletter can grab your subscriber's attention and encourage them to read more. Consider these tips when designing your newsletter:

  • Use a clear and legible font
  • Choose a color scheme that aligns with your brand
  • Include images and graphics to break up text
  • Utilize whitespace to create a clean and organized layout
  • Make sure your newsletter is mobile-responsive for easy viewing on all devices

Email Newsletter Examples

To spark your creativity, take a look at these 18 email newsletter examples that caught our attention:

  • The Hustle - a daily newsletter featuring business news and insights presented in a witty and engaging tone
  • Headspace - a weekly meditation newsletter that incorporates calming visuals and thoughtful content
  • EcoCart - a sustainable shopping newsletter that highlights eco-friendly products and brands
  • TheSkimm - a daily news newsletter that uses a colorful and playful design to present important stories
  • Kentucky Derby - an event newsletter that mixes stunning imagery with practical information

When analyzing these examples, pay attention to how each newsletter incorporates design and content to create an engaging and memorable experience for subscribers.

Creating an Email Newsletter Your Subscribers Love

To ensure your newsletter is a hit with your audience, follow these tips:

  • Personalize your subject line and greeting to make each subscriber feel valued
  • Keep your content concise and scannable to make it easy to digest
  • Include a clear call-to-action to encourage subscribers to engage with your brand
  • Track your email metrics to see what content resonates most with your audience
  • Regularly test different email elements, such as subject lines and CTAs, to optimize your newsletter's performance

By following these best practices and drawing inspiration from successful newsletters, you can create a newsletter that your audience looks forward to receiving in their inbox.
