CSS Classes: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide for Ecommerce

If you're running an ecommerce website, you know how important it is to make it stand out from the competition. One way to do that is by using CSS classes. CSS classes are a powerful tool for styling your website elements and making them look unique and professional. In this beginner's guide, we will cover everything you need to know about CSS classes, from what they are to how to create them and how to use them.


What is a CSS class?


A CSS class is a way of applying a specific style to one or more HTML elements. It's a reusable element that you can apply to multiple elements across your website. When you apply a class to an element, it inherits all the style properties defined in the class. This makes it easier to style the website as you can just apply the same class to multiple elements that need to be styled the same way.


How to Create a Class in CSS


Creating a class in CSS is easy. First, you need to define the class name using the period (.) notation. Then, you can add style properties to the class. Here's an example of how to create a basic class in CSS:

.my-class {\
                  background-color: lightblue;\
                  color: white;\
                  padding: 10px;\

Where Can You Add CSS Classes in HTML?


You can add classes to almost any HTML element, including headings, paragraphs, images, and links. You can add classes directly to the HTML element using the class attribute. Here's an example:

<h1 class='my-class'>Hello World</h1>

How Many CSS Classes Can You Add to an Element?


You can add multiple CSS classes to a single HTML element. Just separate each class name with a space. Here's an example:

<h1 class='my-class other-class'>Hello World</h1>

What is the Difference Between Class and ID in HTML?


Classes and IDs are both used to style HTML elements, but they are used in different ways. The main difference is that you can use the same class name on multiple elements, but an ID can only be used on a single element.


When to Use ID vs. Class


You should use an ID when you want to apply a unique style to a single element. For example, if you have a banner image that needs to be styled differently than the rest of the page, you can assign it an ID and apply a unique style to it. Use classes when you want to apply the same style to multiple elements on a page. For example, if you want all the headings on the page to have the same font size and color, you can assign them a class and apply the style to the class.


What is a class selector in CSS?


A class selector is a way of targeting all the HTML elements that have a specific class. It's represented by a period (.) followed by the class name. Here's an example:

.my-class {\
                  background-color: lightblue;\
                  color: white;\
                  padding: 10px;\

How to Use CSS Classes


Now that you know how to create and use classes, let's look at some ways to use them in your ecommerce website.


Bootstrap CSS Classes


Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework that provides a set of predefined classes that you can use to style your website. These classes include styles for buttons, forms, tables, and many other common website elements. You can easily add Bootstrap to your website by including the stylesheet in your HTML code. Then, you can use the predefined classes to style your elements quickly and easily.


Descendant Selectors


Descendant selectors allow you to apply a style to an element that is nested inside another element. For example, if you have a list of products, you can apply a style to the product title by targeting the <h2> element inside the product list item. Here's an example:

ul.products li h2 {\
                  color: red;\



Pseudo-classes allow you to apply a style to an element when it's in a specific state, such as when the user hovers over it or clicks on it. Here's an example:

a:hover {\
                  color: red;\

CSS Class vs. ID Selectors


Class selectors are used to apply a style to multiple elements that share the same class name. ID selectors are used to apply a unique style to a single element that has a specific ID. Class selectors are more flexible and can be used in more situations than ID selectors.


CSS Specificity


CSS specificity is a way of determining which styles should be applied to an element if there are conflicting styles. The more specific a selector is, the higher its priority. Here's the order of CSS specificity:

  • ID selectors
  • \
  • Class selectors
  • \
  • Element selectors
  • \

For example, if you have a style defined for an element and a style defined for its class, the style for the class will override the style for the element. If you have a style defined for an element and a style defined for its ID, the style for the ID will override the style for the element and the style for the class.


How to Override CSS Class


Sometimes, you may need to override a CSS class to apply a different style to a specific element. Here's how to do it:


Determine the class you want to override.


Look at the HTML code and find the class name that you want to override.


Create a more specific declaration.


Create a new CSS class or selector that is more specific than the original class. For example, if the original class is .my-class, you can create a new selector like ul.my-class li to target only those elements with the class. Then, add the new style to the new class or selector.


Start Using CSS Classes


CSS classes are a powerful tool for styling your ecommerce website. By creating reusable classes and using them throughout your website, you can create a consistent and professional look that will attract more customers. Use the tips in this guide to start using CSS classes today!
