How to Add Comments in CSS for Yourself or Your Developer

If you're an ecommerce business owner, you likely have a website that relies heavily on CSS code to make it look and function properly. While CSS code is essential to your website's success, it can also become very complex and difficult to manage.

This is where comments come into play. By adding comments to your CSS code, you can help yourself and any developers working on your website stay organized, understand what certain code does, and make changes quickly.

Comment Out CSS

One common use of commenting in CSS is to temporarily 'comment out' a section of code. This means that you add comments to code that you want to disable temporarily, without deleting the code itself.

To do this, simply add a forward-slash and asterisk before the code you want to disable, then add an asterisk and forward-slash after the code.

/* This code is being commented out:
                .example {
                    background-color: blue;

CSS Single Line Comment

If you want to add a comment to a single line of CSS code, you can do so using two forward-slashes. Anything after the double forward-slashes will be ignored by the browser, so you can add notes to your code without affecting its functionality.

.example {
                    color: red; // This text will be red

CSS Comments vs. HTML Comments

While both CSS and HTML support adding comments, it's important to understand the differences between the two when deciding when to use them.

HTML comments are visible in the browser's source code, so they can be seen by anyone who views the page's source. This means that you should avoid adding sensitive information or anything that you don't want others to see in HTML comments.

CSS comments, on the other hand, are not visible in the browser's source code. They are only visible to developers who view the CSS file directly. This makes them a great way to add notes and explanations without cluttering up the HTML source code.

Making Comments in CSS

To add comments to your CSS code, simply add a forward-slash and asterisk before the comment and an asterisk and forward-slash after the comment.

/* This is a CSS comment */

By taking the time to add comments to your CSS code, you can make life easier for yourself and any developers who work on your website. Not only will it help you keep your code organized and easy to manage, but it can also make troubleshooting and making changes faster and simpler.
