Latest News & Trends In Customer Satisfaction

What is Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)?

If you're an ecommerce business owner, you need to know how to measure customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) is one of the most popular metrics used by ecommerce companies to measu ...

What is Customer Care (As It Relates to Customer Service)?

When you run an ecommerce business, offering outstanding customer service is critical. However, it's not enough to merely respond quickly and helpfully when your customers contact you with questions o ...

The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Effective Customer Journey Map

What is the customer journey? The customer journey is the complete experience a customer has with a brand, from the very first time they hear about a product or service to the point they ...

Expert Tips for Creating eCommerce Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The Importance of Customer Satisfaction Surveys In today's competitive eCommerce landscape, it's more important than ever to prioritize your customer's experience. One of the most effective ways to ga ...
