11 Leadership Styles and How to Find Your Perfect Fit

What is a leadership style?

A leadership style is a way of leading that defines the approach a leader takes to manage and guide their team. Different leadership styles can work better or worse depending on the situation, the team, and the goal a leader wants to achieve.

Why It’s Important to Know Your Leadership Style

Understanding your leadership style is crucial because it can help you choose the right approach to lead your team effectively, address conflicts, and enhance collaboration. Knowing your leadership style also helps you develop self-awareness, which is an essential element of becoming a great leader.

Types of Leadership Styles

Here are the eleven most common leadership styles and their characteristics:

1. Democratic Leadership

A democratic leader involves team members in decision-making and encourages collaboration.

2. Autocratic Leadership

An autocratic leader makes decisions on their own without consulting their team.

3. Laissez-Faire Leadership

A laissez-faire leader gives little guidance or direction and lets their team make decisions and take actions independently.

4. Strategic Leadership

A strategic leader focuses on long-term goals and creates a vision for their team.

5. Transformational Leadership

A transformational leader inspires and motivates their team to embrace change and innovate.

6. Transactional Leadership

A transactional leader focuses on goals, rewards, and punishments. They set clear expectations and hold their team accountable.

7. Coaching Leadership

A coaching leader provides guidance, mentoring, and feedback to their team members to help them grow and develop their skills.

8. Bureaucratic Leadership

A bureaucratic leader values hierarchy, rules, and procedures. They ensure that everyone follows established protocols.

9. Visionary Leadership

A visionary leader creates a compelling picture of the future and inspires their team to work towards that vision.

10. Pacesetting Leadership

A pacesetting leader sets high standards and expectations for their team and expects them to perform at a high level.

11. Situational Leadership

A situational leader adapts their leadership style to the situation and the needs of their team.

Deciding Between Different Leadership Styles

Choosing a leadership style requires assessing the situation, the team, and the goals you want to achieve. However, it also involves understanding your instinctive leadership style and deciding whether to stick with it or adjust it to fit different situations.

How to Understand Your Instinctive Leadership Style

To understand your instinctive leadership style, ask yourself how you naturally respond to challenges, conflicts, and setbacks. Do you tend to take charge, delegate tasks, collaborate with others, or step back? Reflect on your past leadership experiences and what worked best in those situations.

Can you change your leadership style?

Yes, you can change your leadership style or adjust it to fit different situations. However, it requires self-awareness, flexibility, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

How to Choose the Right Leadership Style for You

Choosing the right leadership style involves several steps that can help you develop self-awareness and refine your approach:

1. Get to know yourself.

Take time to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, values, and priorities. Consider taking a personality test or a leadership assessment.

2. Outline your values and challenges.

Write down the values and principles that guide your decision-making, as well as the challenges you face as a leader.

3. Watch leaders you respect.

Observe leaders you admire and analyze their approach. Consider why you respect them and what you can learn from them.

4. Try different leadership styles.

Experiment with different leadership styles in different situations to see what works best for you and your team.

5. Find a business coach or mentor.

Seek guidance from a coach or mentor who can help you develop your leadership skills and provide constructive feedback.

6. Ask colleagues and leaders for feedback.

Solicit feedback from your team and colleagues to help you identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach to fit their needs.

7. Complete a leadership style assessment.

Take our leadership style assessment quiz to discover your leadership style and get tips on how to improve your skills.

Leadership Style Assessment

Our leadership style assessment quiz offers six different leadership styles:

1. Individualist

Individualists value creativity, innovation, and independence. They prefer to work alone and take risks.

2. Strategist

Strategists focus on long-term planning, collaboration, and vision. They are good at inspiring and motivating their team to achieve ambitious goals.

3. Alchemist

Alchemists are open-minded, adaptable, and curious. They value experimentation and innovation and are happy to embrace change.

4. Opportunist

Opportunists are bold, driven, and competitive. They are not afraid to take risks and seize opportunities.

5. Diplomat

Diplomats value harmony, diplomacy, and empathy. They prioritize building relationships and creating a positive work environment.

6. Expert

Experts are knowledgeable, detail-oriented, and analytical. They pride themselves on their expertise and skills.

Learn Your Leadership Management Style to Become a Better Leader

By understanding your leadership style, you can become a more effective and confident leader. Take our leadership style assessment quiz and follow our tips to improve your skills and inspire your team to achieve great results.
