Understand the 413 Request Entity Too Large Error and Ways to Fix It for Smooth eCommerce Operations

Operating an eCommerce store can be challenging, especially when encountering technical issues such as the 413 Request Entity Too Large Error. If you are unaware of what the error means and how to fix it, your eCommerce operations can face major problems.

What does “413 Request Entity Too Large” mean?

The HTTP Error 413 indicates that the request made by the user is too large for the destination server to accept. It is generally caused by a user attempting to upload or send a file that exceeds the maximum upload limit. This error message may also indicate that the web server is experiencing an overload of data and requests, leading to unavailable resources.

How to Fix a “413 Request Entity Too Large” Error


  • To fix the 413 Request Entity Too Large Error in WordPress, you need to access the .htaccess file in your WordPress root directory.
  • Add the following lines of code to allow an increased upload limit:
  • php_value upload_max_filesize {size}M php_value post_max_size {size}M
  • Replace the {size} value with the appropriate size limit you prefer.

Nginx Server

  • To fix a 413 Request Entity Too Large Error in Nginx Server, you need to edit your nginx.conf configuration file.
  • Add the following code:
  • client_max_body_size {size}m;
  • Replace the {size} value with the appropriate size limit you require.
  • Restart the Nginx server to apply the modifications.

Apache Server

  • An error message will be displayed in the error.log file to identify the issue.
  • To fix the 413 Request Entity Too Large Error in Apache Server, access the .htaccess file in your Apache root directory and insert the following code:
  • LimitRequestBody {size}000000
  • Replace the {size} value with the appropriate size limit you prefer.

Still getting a 413?

If you are still receiving the 413 Request Entity Too Large Error message after implementing the previous solutions, consider contacting your hosting provider for further assistance. The error could be related to the server configuration or a blockage on the server-side.

Fixing a 413 Error

The 413 Request Entity Too Large Error is common in eCommerce business and can be easily fixed with the solutions presented in this article. Remember to monitor your server resources regularly and adjust your file size limits accordingly. By preventing overloading your server with data, you can ensure your eCommerce store runs smoothly without interruption.
