URI vs. URL: What’s the Difference?

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and Uniform Resource Locator (URL) are related yet different entities. Generally, a URL is a type of URI, but not all URIs are URLs. Confused? Let’s dig a little deeper.

What is a URI?

URI is a string of characters that identifies a name or a resource on the internet. In simpler terms, a URI is a unique name or address that refers to a resource. URIs can come in various forms, such as webpages, images, videos, APIs, and more. The most common types of URIs are:

  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
  • Uniform Resource Name (URN)

Types of URI

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a type of URI that specifies the location of a resource on the internet. On the other hand, a Uniform Resource Name (URN) is a type of URI that provides a persistent identifier for a resource but does not indicate its location. URNs were primarily designed to provide a system for naming resources in such a way that the names persist over time, even if the location changes.

What is a URL?

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a type of URI that includes a specific web address or location. URLs indicate the network protocol used to access the resource, as well as the location of the resource on the internet. URLs can be used to locate web pages, files, images, videos, and more. They typically follow the format:


For example, in the URL https://www.example.com/index.html, 'https' is the protocol, 'www.example.com' is the domain, and 'index.html' is the resource.

What is the difference between URIs and URLs?

The main difference between URIs and URLs is that a URL is a type of URI, but a URI may not always be a URL. URIs are used to identify resources, and URLs specify the network location of the resource along with the protocol used to access it. URIs can be used for both naming and locating resources, while URLs are primarily used for locating resources. URLs provide a direct link to a resource, while URIs may not necessarily provide a location.

Identifying and Locating Resources on the Web

When it comes to ecommerce, identifying and locating resources on the web is crucial. URIs and URLs play a vital role in this process, as they help users find and access resources easily. Whether it’s a product, a blog post, or a landing page, having a well-defined URI or URL can make a huge difference in improving the user experience on your ecommerce site.

In summary, the difference between URI and URL is subtle, but important. While both identify resources, a URL has a location component, while URIs can be used for both naming and locating resources. By understanding the difference between the two, ecommerce businesses can ensure that their resources are easily accessible to users and improve the user experience on their site.
