UTM Codes: How to Create UTM Tracking URLs on Google Analytics

As ecommerce experts know, UTM tracking URLs can help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by giving you valuable insights into where your traffic is coming from and which channels are bringing the most conversions. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to create UTM tracking URLs on Google Analytics and provide you with some best practices to optimize your campaigns.


UTM Codes


UTM codes are snippets of text that you add to the end of a URL to track campaign traffic in Google Analytics. By including key parameters in your UTM codes, you can get a better understanding of how people are finding your website and which channels are driving the most sales.


UTM Code Example


Here's an example of what a UTM code looks like:




In this example, the UTM code includes the following parameters:


How do UTM links help marketers?


Let's take a closer look at how UTM links can help you optimize your marketing campaigns:


1. Where the traffic is coming from (Source).


By tracking the source of your traffic, you can see which channels are driving the most traffic to your website. This could include social media, email campaigns, paid ads, or other sources.


2. Which general channel the traffic came from (Medium).


Knowing which channel the traffic came from (such as email, social, or organic search) can help you refine your marketing strategy and focus on the channels that are bringing you the most conversions.


3. What type of content people clicked on (Content).


With UTM code content parameters, you can see which specific piece of content drove the most clicks. This could include a CTA button, a specific blog post, or a product page.


4. Which term they used to access the page (Term).


You can also use UTM code term parameters to track which specific keywords or search terms people used to find your website. This can help you optimize your SEO strategy and target the right keywords for your audience.


UTM Parameter Examples


Let's take a look at the different UTM parameters you can use to track your campaign success:


1. Campaign


The campaign parameter lets you track the overall campaign that the link is associated with. For example, you could use the campaign name "Spring Sale" to track all traffic associated with that campaign.


2. Source


The source parameter lets you track where the traffic is coming from, such as email, Facebook, or Twitter.


3. Medium


The medium parameter lets you track the general channel that the traffic came from, such as email, social, or organic search.


4. Piece of Content


The content parameter lets you track which specific piece of content people clicked on, such as a CTA button or a product page.


5. Term


The term parameter lets you track which specific keyword or search term people used to find your website.


UTM Tracking


Now that you understand the basics of UTM codes, it's important to follow some best practices to get the most out of your tracking efforts:


UTM Tracking Best Practices

  • Be consistent with your UTM parameter names
  • Use tool tips and documentation to ensure everyone on your team understands how to use UTM codes
  • Use URL shorteners for UTM links to make them more visually appealing and easier to remember
  • Ensure that your UTM parameters are accurately reflecting the campaign or content that the link is associated with

How to Build UTM Codes in Google Analytics


Now let's dive into how to create UTM tracking URLs on Google Analytics:


1. Open Google's Campaign URL Builder.


You can find the Campaign URL Builder by searching for "Google Campaign URL Builder" in your search engine. From there, you'll be brought to a form where you can enter the specific parameters you want to track.


2. Fill in each link attribute in the following form.


The Campaign URL Builder form includes fields for each of the UTM parameters we discussed earlier. Fill in each field with the appropriate value and hit "Submit."


3. Use the link in your marketing campaign.


Once you've generated your UTM code, you can use the link in your marketing campaign just like any other URL. This could include including it in an email blast, sharing it on social media, or using it in a paid ad campaign.


4. Measure your success.


Once your campaign is up and running, you can use Google Analytics to track the success of your UTM links. Simply navigate to "Acquisition" > "Campaigns" > "All Campaigns" to see how your UTM codes are performing.


How to Build UTM Codes in HubSpot


If you're a HubSpot user, you can also create UTM tracking URLs right from within the platform:


1. Navigate to your Analytics Tools.


You can find your analytics tools by navigating to the "Analytics" tab in the top navigation menu.


2. Open the Tracking URL Builder.


From the "Analytics" menu, select "Tracking URL Builder" to access HubSpot's URL builder tool.


3. Open the Tracking URL form to create a new UTM code.


Fill in the fields with your desired UTM parameters and hit "Create"


4. Use the shortened link in your marketing campaign.


As with Google Analytics, you can use the shortened link in your marketing campaigns to track your success. You can also view the performance of your UTMs directly in HubSpot.


5. Measure your success.


By tracking the success of your UTM links in HubSpot, you can optimize your marketing strategy and focus on the channels that are driving the most conversions.


How to Use UTM Links for Your Campaigns


Now that you know how to create UTM tracking URLs, let's look at some ways you can use them to optimize your marketing campaigns:


1. Track the success of a promotional campaign.


By creating a specific UTM code for a promotional campaign, you can see exactly how many conversions and sales were driven by that campaign. This can help you refine your strategy and focus on the channels that are working best for you.


2. See how well your social channels promote your content versus when your followers promote your content.


You can use UTM codes to track how people are accessing your content - whether it's through your own social channels or through user-generated content. This can help you understand which channels are driving the most engagement and which ones you should be focusing on to drive more traffic.


3. Measure the effectiveness of guest posting referral traffic.


If you're investing in guest posting or other forms of referral traffic, UTM codes can help you see how many clicks and conversions are being generated by those sources. This can help you decide whether or not to continue investing in those channels or focus more on other channels.


4. Track the same piece of content across multiple marketing channels.


By using different UTM codes for the same piece of content across different channels, you can see which channels are driving the most engagement and conversions. This can help you refine your strategy and focus on the channels that are working best for your audience.


5. See where most people click on your internal links in a blog post.


You can track internal links within your own website using UTM codes, which can help you optimize your internal linking structure and drive more traffic to your key pages.


Start Creating UTM Tracking URLs


By using UTM codes to track your marketing campaigns, you can get valuable insights into where your traffic is coming from and how to refine your strategy to drive more conversions. Using the steps outlined in this guide, you can create UTM tracking URLs in Google Analytics or HubSpot and start measuring your campaigns today!
