4 Management Styles to Strive For and 4 to Avoid for Successful Ecommerce

Managing an ecommerce business isn't just about overseeing operations, it also involves leading and motivating your team towards a shared goal. But what makes a good manager? Is it someone who works well under pressure, delegates tasks effectively, and gets things done? While those are important attributes, a successful ecommerce manager must also know how to lead and guide their team towards success.

Best Types of Management Styles

1. Visionary Management Style

A visionary manager is someone who is focused on future possibilities and can inspire their team towards a shared goal. They often have a clear mission that they convey to their team, which helps to align and motivate them towards success.

2. Democratic Management Style

Leaders with a democratic management style tend to involve their team in decision making. By listening to different perspectives, they gather more information, leading to better decision-making processes. This style can also increase the sense of ownership and commitment within the team.

3. Transformational Management Style

The transformational manager inspires and motivates their team to reach their potential. They provide support, guidance, and positive reinforcement, encouraging employees to exceed expectations, achieve better results, and work towards personal growth.

4. Coaching Management Style

Coaching management style is all about developing an employee's skills, knowledge, and abilities. This style typically involves regular feedback, goal-setting, and encouragement to achieve personal growth and success.

4 Management Styles to Avoid

1. Autocratic Management Style

An autocratic manager makes all the decisions without seeking input from anyone else. This style can lead to resentment, conflicting priorities, and reduced morale, which can impact productivity and ultimately, the success of the ecommerce business.

2. Servant Management Style

A servant leader prioritizes the needs of employees over the needs of the company. While this can create a positive work environment, it can also create confusion and lack of direction, as well as possible financial problems and conflicts of interest.

3. Laissez-Faire Management Style

Laissez-faire management style is hands-off and less involved, with a focus on autonomy and self-direction. While this style can work in some situations, it can also lead to a lack of guidance, accountability, and overall structure.

4. Transactional Management Style

Transactional managers focus solely on specific transactions or targets, offering rewards or punishments for performance. This approach can create a competitive and sometimes aggressive work environment, which can be unproductive in the long run.

Effective Management Styles for a Thriving Team

Ultimately, the most important factor when it comes to management styles is finding the right fit for you, your team, and your ecommerce business. By striving towards visionary, democratic, transformational, or coaching styles, and avoiding autocratic, servant, laissez-faire, or transactional styles, you can create a more successful and thriving team that achieves both personal and business growth and success.
