Are You Shadowbanned on Instagram? How to Test for and Prevent It

Are you using Instagram for business or personal reasons? Do you want to reach more people with your posts? If so, you may have heard of the term "Instagram Shadowban."

What is an Instagram Shadowban?

An Instagram shadowban is when your posts stop showing up in certain hashtags or on the Explore page. Instagram doesn't notify users when they're shadowbanned, which makes it difficult to know when your posts are no longer visible.

Why does Instagram shadowban?

Instagram shadowbans accounts that violate its community guidelines, including accounts that use bots or other automated services to gain followers and likes.

Did Instagram shadowban me?

The easiest way to tell if you've been shadowbanned is to search for one of your hashtags in the app. If your post doesn't appear in the "Top" section or under the hashtag, then you may have been shadowbanned.

Am I shadowbanned on Instagram?

Instagram Shadowban Test

If you're not sure if you've been shadowbanned on Instagram, you can follow these steps to test it:

  • Post a photo with a unique hashtag that you've never used before.
  • Ask a few friends who don't follow you to search for the hashtag on their accounts.
  • If they can't see your post, then you may have been shadowbanned.

Why am I shadowbanned?

There are several reasons why Instagram may shadowban your account:

1. You use bots or another automated "Instagram growth" tool.

If you're using a bot or another automated tool to like, comment, and follow other users, Instagram may shadowban your account.

2. You use broken hashtags.

If you use a hashtag that's been banned or is no longer active, Instagram may shadowban your account.

3. Your account is often reported.

If other users frequently report your account for spam or other violations, Instagram may shadowban your account.

4. You've been posting, commenting, engaging, or following people too quickly.

If you're engaging with other users too quickly, Instagram may think that you're using a bot or another automated tool.

How to Fix an Instagram Shadowban

If you've been shadowbanned on Instagram, here are some steps you can take to fix it:

1. If you use a bot or another automated service, stop and delete it immediately.

Instagram wants users to engage with each other organically. If you're using a bot or automated tool, you're violating this rule.

2. Don't use hashtags that have been banned.

Instagram regularly updates their list of banned hashtags. Check your hashtags before you use them to make sure they're not banned.

3. Use a content warning when applicable.

If your post contains sensitive content or adult themes, use a content warning in the caption. This prevents other users from reporting your post for spam.

4. Take a two-day break.

Stop posting for two days to let Instagram reassess your account's activity. This gives you time to reconsider your posting strategy.

5. Follow Instagram's rules and regulations.

The best way to avoid being shadowbanned is to follow Instagram's guidelines. Don't use bots or automated tools, don't spam other users, and don't violate the community guidelines.

The Foolproof Way to Avoid the Instagram Shadowban

The best way to avoid being shadowbanned on Instagram is to grow your account organically. Post high-quality content, engage with other users, and use relevant hashtags.

By avoiding using bots, broken hashtags, or spamming other users, you can maintain a healthy and active Instagram account that won't be shadowbanned.
