Latest News & Trends In Marketing Category

The 16 Best Marketing Automation Tools Available to You

Marketing automation tools can make a huge difference in how your small business approaches marketing and sales activities. These tools can help you automate tasks and workflows to streamline your pro ...

The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Hashtags for 2022

As social media continues to dominate the marketing world, Instagram has proven to be a powerful platform for businesses to connect with their audiences. One of the most effective ways to boost your I ...

What is Bounce Rate? (And How Can I Fix Mine?)

What is Bounce Rate? Bounce rate is a metric that measures the percentage of visitors who land on your website and leave without interacting with it further. In other words, they "bounce" away fr ...

How to Master Site Search Using Google in 3 Steps [+ Example]

Searching for a specific content on a website can be frustrating if you don’t know where to look. But did you know that you can use Google to search for a particular content within a website? This fea ...

Elevate Your Ecommerce Game with a Killer Creative Brief

Have you ever wasted countless hours and resources on a project only to have it fall short of your expectations? One key component that businesses often overlook is the importance of a comprehensive c ...

Catch More Clicks with Catchy Subject Lines

Are you struggling to come up with the perfect email subject line? You're not alone. Crafting a subject line that grabs attention and entices subscribers to open your email is no easy feat. But fear n ...

A Beginner's Guide to SSL: What It is & Why It Makes Your Website More Secure

As an ecommerce business owner, you're no doubt aware of the importance of online security. One essential way to keep your site and your customers safe is through the use of SSL certificates. In this ...

20 Creative 'Meet the Team' Pages to Inspire Your Ecommerce Site

If you're looking to add a human touch to your ecommerce site, a 'Meet the Team' page can be a great way to do it. Not only does it showcase the faces behind your brand, but it also helps establish tr ...

20 Best Instagram Story Ideas for 2023

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, and it continues to grow every year. As an E-commerce expert, it's important to stay on top of the latest trends and updates in order to en ...

Elevate Your Social Media Game: Best Times to Post in 2023

Social media is a crucial tool for businesses of all sizes to drive engagement and grow their brand. However, with so much noise on social platforms, it can be tough to cut through and get noticed. Th ...
